GMP Super G Lasher
Price: $10,500.00
Lasher. Manufactured Date: 10/12/2022. Good for CATV Contractors overlashing Large urban bundles. Minimal wear and tear!
Item condition: Used
1 in stock
features & specifications
- Lashes cable from aboutย 2-1/2 to 5-1/4 in. outside diameterย or multiple cables up toย 5-3/4 in. combined outside diameter
- Lashes on strand from 11/32 to 1/2 in. diameter with one or two spiral wrappings of .045, .061 or .065 in. diameter stainless steel wire
- Nominal spacing between wraps is approximately 18-19 in. (46 to 48cm )
- Parallel-pull capability overcomes most terrain obstacles
- Wire tension constant regardless of amount on spool
- Front rollers guide cables through the machine
- All smooth edges throughout help protect against cable damage
- Ergonomic design makes it easy to handle
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